Thursday, September 4, 2008

Rock 'n' Roll Marathon

I know I'm CRAZY, but I will be running my first marathon November 16 in San Antonio, TX. I have participated in several races before, but this will be, by far, the most challenging thing I've ever done in my entire life. If you sense a little intimidation, you're right. That said, I know I can do it. If Oprah can do it, then I can, right? At least that's my what I keep telling myself. After running in Race for the Cure last October, running has quickly become one of my passions. Last Spring, I started running with a group from the YMCA where we workout at. They have been such a blessing, personally and with my running. Running gives you a natural high that is like no other. I love the feeling of pushing myself to the limit. With running, you set a goal and receive immediate gratification. Even with training for a marathon, each day you get a little bit closer to your goal. I'm in the sixth week of my 16-week training. So far, so good. Last Sunday, I ran 16 miles for the first time. I wouldn't say it was great fun, but it could have been worse. This Saturday I'm running 18! I will keep you up to date with my on-going training. Please keep me in your prayers!


leahduke said...

You are insane but that is so awesome!!!! I wish I could push myself to do that and then I would get skinny like you!! Good luck. I know you can do it. I still cannot believe you ran 16 miles. That makes me tired just thinking about it!!

Amy said...

Oh, the woman, you can do it, no doubt. Especially if it's something you enjoy.

Anonymous said...

You are awesome Kelli! I'm not surprised that you are gonna run a marathon, but I am kinda surprised that Oprah that what you said?

Tiffany Cooper said...

Wow, I'm truly impressed. I wish I felt like I could still run a marathon but my body feels broken down now. I can't wait to hear how it goes for you!